The Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) began its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) effort with the intent to create a viable economic development plan that would provide a roadmap for sustainable economic growth. Once the EDA approves the CRC CEDS, the heartland region will be eligible to receive funding from EDA programs for various projects, such as economic adjustment, planning, trade adjustment assistance, public works, and technical assistance. In addition, the CEDS process will lead to establishing an Economic Development District (EDD) designation for the CRC. EDDs are multi-jurisdictional entities that help lead locally based, regionally driven economic development planning, incorporating the involvement of the public, private, and non-profit sectors to establish a strategic roadmap for regional collaboration.
The CEDS Process
A successful economic strategy for the region is only possible with the earnest input of the public, business owners, local governments, and community groups, all working together toward shared goals.
October 2017
EDA Award to CRC Region
November 2018
Goals & Strategies Developed
April 2018
CEDS Committee Created & Orientation Meeting
February 2019
Plan Drafted
July 2018
Plan Kickoff Meetings & SWOT Analysis
March 2019
Public Review & Input
September 2018
Regional Economic Conditions Analysis & Stakeholder Interviews
April 2019
Adoption of CEDS